The Unborn Couture

These multiples of self
gather pantomimes of creation
into ether-world thought,
a trinity of imagination

as evilly selfish
as it is kind;

as openly erotic
as it is stoic.

Cocooning above the mind of reality
there is determined celebration,

and with trepidation it mirrors
beginning thoughts of bravura,

dreams of catwalking
in solitary splendor -
with a twin or triplet
quiescent performance
before sheltering androgynous

Sheltering this purpose

of unborn couture.

Text by Rick Burnett Baker


Anonymous said...

It´s like a utopia, something incredible and with a magic touch, AMAZING MUSIC TO COMPLETE THIS GRAPHIC EXPERIENCE, congrats on that, keep that way!

Pablo from

Anonymous said...

very interesting post!!! :)

Kisses Demi
Demi's Canvas on Facebook
Demi's Canvas

Milan Boya said...

great <3

Unknown said...

so inspiring pics, it seems like a real photoshoot!! i'm impressed!!
I invite you to follow my blog on hope that you like it!!
xoxo Marika

Y además sombreros said...

Que buenas fotos.

Unknown said...

Nice pics!

Shauna said...

Androgynous beauties are my favorite, so mysterious, supple
& creative.

felix said...

eerie blog but quiiite inspiring! :))

ash said...

julien,knpe gmbr ni nmpk sgt2 menyerankan?