
I heard a song from a distance
Calling me on and buzzing in my ears
So sweet and tempting
Oh my, is this my midnight dreams?

Ting, ting, ting,
Ah sweet indeed!
Deliciously cunning
And my marionette dances
As they danced their feet and hands tingled

I heard a voice, a sound, a rhythm
Ting, ting, ting
Rule the world, it says,
Ting, ting, ting
It’s time for domination against the black, the grey and the colorless

My marionette stands before me
Let's go master! Let us dance!
Ting, ting, ting
Let the reign begin

Fashion Illustration 'Life With Sandra' by Sandra Azwan
Lullaby by Dewi
Music by Keiichi Suzuki


Francesco Balestri said...

Have a nice day my dear!

shineeshimizu said...

totally awesome..luv the music..sounds like fairytale something..